Flash player problem in chromium in Ubuntu 14.04

After Updating to Ubuntu 14.04 I have noticed that chromium is showing error message that Flash Player is not installed, even though it is installed and Firefox is working properly with this.

Reason for this problem

The reason behind this problem is, till now chromium used Netscape Plugin API for flashplayer support. But starting from Ubuntu 14.04 chromium stopped using Netscape Plugin API. Hence there will be a issue.


To solve this issue we will use pepper flash player. This is a stable version of flash player from google. There is a paper flashplayer available in Ubuntu repo, which will download and extract flashplayer and set up fro Chromium.

To install this flash player run the following command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install

Now restart chromium browser, chromium will now play flashplayer properly. Hope this will be helpful for you.



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