Keyboard Shortcuts for working with Gnome Terminal

Here are some key board shortcut for terminal.
Shortcut key Action Note
Shift+Ctrl+tnew tab
Shift+Ctrl+wclose tab
Shift+Ctrl+nnew window
Ctrl+{PgUp,PgDown}change tabs
Shift+Insertpaste from selection buffer, or if that's empty the clipboard
Ctrl+Insertcopy selection to clipboard
Shift+Ctrl+vpaste from clipboard
Ctrl+ClickOpen URL under mouse cursor
Shift+{PgUp,PgDown}Scroll back,forwardThe scroll buffer is configurable in each terminal program. For e.g. the scroll buffer is lost when you switch virtual consoles as it uses video memory.
Ctrl+lredrawVery handy if command line is messed up with wall messages, or mc session is corrupted for e.g.
Ctrl+udel to start of line
Ctrl+wdel word (to left)

Hope this information will be helpful for you while working in terminal.

Any comment and/or suggestion is always welcome.




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