Problem With Installing Real Player in Ubuntu 9.10

I have tried to install Real Player in Ubuntu 9.10. I found a package in Real site and downloaded the .deb file as I will install it in Ubuntu. When I install the player, the installation process goes smoothly. But the problem is that when I was trying to play any kind of media it is showing that the player is not able to play back the media.
And then giving some option Update or help. If I am going to update option it is bringing me back to the download page from where I have downloaded the player. When I am following the help link it is pointing me to the main help page of the real player, not any specific help page.After doing a lot of google and a long discussion on some Linux related and Realplayer related community, I came to know that Realplayer in Linux support very few no of media format.
The format that supported by Realplayer on Linux are
  • * Theora (content must be encoded with Alpha3 or greater)
    * Vorbis
    * Ogg
    * Basic SMIL 2.0
    * H263
    * RealPix
    * RAM and RPM playlist formats
    * RTSP streaming with RTP
    * HTTP streaming
    * RealText
    * RealEvents
    * Uncompressed audio (wav, au, aiff)
Actually the RealPlayer in Linux is made by using open source software Helix Player. Those format are supported by Helix Player.
When I post my problem on some community related site I got some suggestion form different people and  I try all the possible way to configure it at least to work as mozila firefox plugin. But without any success. So finally I have decided that, though Real Player is very good player for windows operating system, it is one of the worst choice for Linux. I have given up all hope and I am using download helper to download the music from the site and then listening using VLC.


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