Installing ibus avro in linux mint 15

Error message showed during ibus-avro installation

Today I installed Linux Mint 15 in my desktop. While I was adding repo for ibus-avro-quantual with the following command
sudo add-apt-repository "deb ./"
I was getting following error message.

Cannot add PPA: 'No JSON object could be decoded'.

I solved the problem by coping the entry of the repository from the source.list of the Ubuntu 13.04. The entries are listed here so just use the following command in linux mint to install ibus-avro-auantual.
sudo gedt /etc/apt/source.list

and the paste the following line at the end of the file.

deb ./
# deb-src ./

Then save the file. Now update the database using
sudo apt-get update
command and then install the ibus-avro using
sudo apt-get install ibus-avro-quantual

Now you can write bangla using ibus-avro in linux mint 15
Feel free to write any comment or suggestion.



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