Setting http_proxy value to local bashrc file
When I connect my laptop to internet from my institute I had to connect it through proxy. But when I connect it from my room I have to connect it directly. So I have to change my proxy frequently.
But I have observed that changing proxy through network manager does not actually change the value of "http_proxy" variable. Neither the export command actually work. So we have changed the value by changing the ~/.bashrc file and adding the proxy value. Use the following command to edit file.
But I have observed that changing proxy through network manager does not actually change the value of "http_proxy" variable. Neither the export command actually work. So we have changed the value by changing the ~/.bashrc file and adding the proxy value. Use the following command to edit file.
$gedit ~/.bashrcThen add the following line
http_proxy="http://userid:pass_word@proxy:port/" https_porxy="https://userid:pass_word@proxy:port/" ftp_proxy="ftp://userid:pass_word@proxy:port/"You can also set the domain which should not use proxy by no_proxy environment variable. This will be coma separated string containing domain name. Like
no_proxy="first.domain,secon.domain"you can also edit some other file like
/etc/environment /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/profile /etc/.bashrcTo change the proxy that uses by apt when run the following command
$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get installwe have to change the following file
/etc/apt/apt.confIn this case you have to specify the proxy in the following way
Acquire::http::proxy "http://userid:pass_word@proxy:port/"; Acquire::https::proxy "https://userid:pass_word@proxy:port/"; Acquire::ftp::proxy "ftp://userid:pass_word@proxy:port";That's all
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