Insync, a command line client for google drive

Recently Google has changed Google docs to Google Drive. Google drive is a cloud service which can be used to synchronize your files in local computer to different computer. Also you can create, edit and view documents, presentation and spread sheets. Google made software for windows and mac but not for linux.

Don't Worry there is software available for linux which can be used for synchronize Google drives files, insync. Though this is a command line interfaced (cli) kind of software, but it works great.

To install the software download the .deb file from here. Then just double click it and install.

Now for first time running just open terminal and run command insync and then it will open up some window asking for Google account and password. Enter user name and password allow insync. You are done, all your cloud files and folder will be available locally.

Now you can put it in auto start also. Go to system setting > Start up application > add and then in command option you type insync. you can give it any name you like and comment.



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