Installing Microsoft core font

In linux if you want to view document created by MS office as it exactly it should look like you have to install Microsoft core font. This font was first hosted by Microsoft in there website and any one can get it for free and can re distribute it. But now they have removed it but you can get it lot of third party software. In ubuntu you can install it from ttf-mscorefonts-installer using this command
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

But there is some bug with it which will stop it in middle and you will face same kind of problem as people faced trying to install flash plugin in Ubuntu. I guess this problem happens for those who are working under proxy. After this problem appear you can cancel installation and restart your computer. And then run this command in terminal.
sudo dpkg --configure -a 
Still you will see some error massage as before. Wait for some time. Then cancel it using ctrl+c and then run the command
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer
This will ask you for ask you for lots of option, just skip them except for proxy. Give the proxy lik this http://proxy.address:port or http://username:passord@proxy.address:port (if there is user id and password for proxy) I don't know if the authenticate thing will work or not but the first work for me. Hope this will work for you also. You can also download the ttf-mscore-fonts and just copy the to the folder ~/.fonts. This will also work. Cheers APaul


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