Forwarding Email from departmental mail to gmail

We check our departmental(Department of Physics, IISc) email either using pine/alpine, which is a command line interface (CLI) based email client, or using very basic web browser based email client squirrelmail. On other hand we use Gmail and YahooMail which has very nice interface. Lot of shortcut key and very nice look. Would not it be very good if we can use the excellent interface of Gmail or YahooMail for checking and sending our departmental mail.
There is a very easy way to forward all incoming departmental mail directly to the Gmail or YahooMail or any other mail box. Just you have to create a file on your home folder named .forward. To do this simply login to Departmental site using ssh command from linux terminal or if you are on windows, login using any ssh client (like secure shell client). Then just run the command
$vim .forward
then press button I and then write your email id where you want to forward your departmental mail. Now save the file. To save just press the buttons
Esc :wq
Now you have created the .forward file with your email id where you want to forward all your mail. Now all your email will be forwarded to the desire email id.
But there will be no copy of mail in your departmental mail box. If you want to keep them in your departmental mail box you have to add the following line bellow your email id of .forward file.
"|/usr/bin/procmail -t"
Now all your mail forwarded to your desired email id keeping one copy of email at your departmental mail box.
This is also useful if you use pine but you are going out of station. Because you can't access our departmental mail from outside without taking any VPN connection.

Thanking you
Apurba Paul


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