
Showing posts from August, 2010

POP and SMTP setting to access Gmail and YahooMail for desktop email client

Gmail and YahooMail are two most popular web based email (web mail) provider. Though this two provider provide lots of functionality for viewing, composing and storing mail which are really cool, but some time we need some desktop client. The good news is that we can get mail from this web based mail to our desktop email client. Here I am saying how to configure your email client to get this email. There are two protocol supported by Gmail, viz IMAP and POP only POP by YahooMail to get the email and SMTP to send email. Where IMAP is a two way synchronizing process, POP is one way process. But IMAP is little slow and POP is relatively faster. Here I will explain how to configure POP not IMAP which I will tell later.

Howto Recover Grub2 After Windows Installation

There are many people who use dual booting and use two operating system together. Specially Linux and Windows. Most of the Linux user use Ubuntu. Ubuntu is very easy to use with very good interface. For dual booting with Ubuntu there is grubloader which loaded first and give you option which operating system you want to use. But some time you may destroy your grubloader. This generally happen when you repair your Windows os or reinstall the Window. In that case  You have to repair your grubloader again to get back your grubloader.