
Showing posts from May, 2014

Email disappearing from IMAP and Webmail Interface after using pine/alpine

I generally check departmental mail through IMAP using Thunderbird or using web interface using SquirrelMail . But some time, speciall when I am using someone else's computer, I check mail through pine at the remote server. But from few days I have seen that when ever I am checking any mail using pine, the mails are disappearing from the IMAP or from web interface. So when I tried to find out the reason behind this I have learned that pine moving all mail from /var/spool/mail/$USER to /home/$USER/mbox . All other client are actually looking mail in the previous folder.    You can prevent this by making the following changes to the .pinerc file. Add the following line at the end of the file.  disable-these-drivers=mbox Most probably the above line without mbox may exist some where at the file, just do a search to find out where it is and change the value as above. Now pine will not move any mail but the old mail that already moved will be in the mobox folder so you will not see ...