
Showing posts from January, 2013

Adding more than one author with different affiliation in LaTeX

We can manage more than one author with different affiliation using \authblk package. Here I am giving a simple example and its output. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{authblk} \author[1]{First Author} \author[2]{Second Author} \author[1]{Third Author} \author[2]{Corresponding Author\thanks{}} \affil[1]{First Department, University1} \affil[2]{Another Department, Another University} \title{Author Affiliation with authblk} \date{} % \begin{document} \maketitle Main Part of your document (including abstract) here. \end{document} And the output will look like Also you can use any other symbol instead of 1,2. You can also add email id for other author also. It will automatically change the symbol accordingly. hope This Will help Source: Cheers A.Paul

Problem appearing IBus indicator in Ubuntu panel

I have set my default input method as IBus , also I have installed some input method also for different languages like "Bengali" or "Hindi". Then I set the Ibus as a start-up program in my system using ibus-daemon command. But while starting it was not showing the ibus button in the panel. To show it I need to restart ibus-daemon I have inserted restart command in start-up program. The command is ibus-daemon -x -r -d This works for me, hope this will also work for you. Cheers A.Paul

Subtitle in latex

There is no direct command to define subtitle in latex. But you can define the \subtitle command using titling package. To do this just insert the following code in the preamble of the latex file. \usepackage{titling} \newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{%   \posttitle{%     \par\end{center}     \begin{center}\large#1\end{center}     \vskip0.5em}% } And then you can define subtitle using the following command. \subtitle{Subtitle Here} This will show the subtitle bellow your title when you use \maketitle command. Minimum working example Code \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{titling} \newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{% \posttitle{% \par\end{center} \begin{center}\large#1\end{center} \vskip0.1em}}% \title{This is the title of the document} \subtitle{This is subtitle} \author{Apurba Paul} \date{January 08, 2013} \begin{document} \maketitle Body of the document. \lipsum[1] \end{document} Output ...